Dear everyone,

I know, I know, I've been very bad. Haven't posted anything since August. But life has been ridiculously busy with so many different projects. In November I launched my new book Telling It Straight which is a compilation of some of my columns from around 2001 til 2012. The excuse was that I was invited to the Singapore Writers' Festival and it seemed like a good occasion to launch a book, seeing as it's been 15 years since my first one, In Liberal Doses. (My second was 50 Days which was a compilation of my blogposts about my Dad's operation in 2007 and was published by ZI Publications). My publishers, Editions Didier Millet, agreed and that was how the book came to be.

So far it's been doing pretty well.

Imitation may be a form of flattery but impersonation is not. I have just found out that someone's been posting articles online that are purportedly by me. Like this one. Now anyone who's followed me all these years will recognise the way I write. And that article is not my style at all.

I have reason to be concerned about this.

When the Arab Spring happened in January 2011, our leaders reacted in a very odd fashion. The first response was to bring all our students in Egypt, all 11000 of them, home as if Egypt had just turned into a warzone and our students were in grave danger. It was very clear however, from what the students themselves said when they got home, that there was no physical danger at all.

Hi folks, no doubt you've read the mainstream media's take on events last Saturday. But there is nothing like the personal accounts of those who were there.

Here are some of them:

1. My Bersih 3.0 Experience : The Day The Police Became Hooligans -Christina Foo

2. My Bersih 3.0 Experience: Annabelle R .

3. At Bersih rally, a convergence of angry youths and Lake Club members 

4.  Bersih 3.0 from the eyes of a medic  (this is an incredibly heroic one)


My daughter took this video

It was the barbed wire that did it for me. Up til Friday afternoon I was still unsure about going. My hubby thought I'd already made my point last year. I was annoyed with continually being asked whether I was going or not, more so with the non-story that came out in M'kini which basically said I hadn't decided yet. I mean, does it matter?

Then I saw the photos of the police rolling out the barbed wire and I saw red.

Dear folks, this must be something of a record but I've just been told that once again, my column's been spiked. In newspaper-speak, that means it's not going to be published tomorrow. This would make it the second of my columns recently that was totally spiked, plus one more that was chopped up badly. (See previous posts)

People ask me why I keep writing at The Star if they keep doing this. Well maybe I'm just sentimental.

Hi folks, in case any of you noticed it, my column went totally missing last week. Guess it was a bit too hot for the paper. As always I have the option of publishing it here so here it is:

Marina Mahathir for The Star

Some time last year a friend gave me a very interesting book, Cultures and Organisations: Intercultural Cooperation and Its Importance for Survival by Geert Hofstede, Gert Jan Hofstede and Michael Minkov.

Hi folks, some of you may have read my column on Wednesday and may have wondered why I was going on about airport announcements. Also you may have noticed it was a bit short and ended rather abruptly.

Well, it happened again folks. I got censored. Apparently in the run-up to the elections, all of us columnists in the mainstream papers are supposed to be good and not say anything too critical of you know who.
Save our Tigers!
Save our Tigers!
Save our Tigers!
In the Year of the Tiger, don't let their numbers diminish!
Help These Timorese Orphans Get an Education
Help These Timorese Orphans Get an Education
Help These Timorese Orphans Get an Education
The only chance for them to have a future.
Let us learn about each other's religion, culture and way of life
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About Me
About Me
... is a newspaper columnist, blogger, occasional TV and film producer, activist and general nuisance. She feels most comfortable amongst colourful characters and despite a great fondness for clothes and shoes, can't abide cocktail parties for the smart set. Most people know her by her constant talk about safe sex for HIV prevention but occasionally she also irritates some people by going on about feminism and Islam. She yearns for the days when her legs were still skinny and dreams of writing a blockbuster one day. Meanwhile she tries to be nice to husband Tara and patient with her children Ineza, Haga and Shaista.
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